Usage Reference

Quantizer Config

Be default, the quantizer configs for the kernel and pre-activation are the following:

For kernel quantizer:






initial bitwidth for kernel



Which dimensions to quantize homogeneously.



How rounding is performed during training.



Round bitwidth to integers before applying the quantization.



dtype used for computing the quantization.


(-23, 23)

The bitwidth range for the floating part.



If the bitwidth is trainable.



Regularization factor on the numerical bitwidth values.



Record the min/max values of the kernel if record flag is set.

For pre-activation quantizer:






initial floating bitwidth for pre-activation value



Which dimensions to quantize homogeneously. (incl. batch)



How rounding is performed during training.



Round bitwidth to integers before applying the quantization.



dtype used for computing the quantization.


(-23, 23)

The bitwidth range for the floating part.



If the bitwidth is trainable.



Regularization factor on the numerical bitwidth values.



Record the min/max values of the pre-activation if record flag is set.

You can get/set the default quantizer configs by calling get_default_kq_conf/get_default_paq_conf and set_default_kq_conf/set_default_paq_conf.

When changing the quantizer configs for a specific layer, pass the config dict to the layer with kq_conf or paq_conf keyword.

Supported layers

To define a HGQ model, the following layers are available:

Heterogenerous layers (H- prefix):

  • HQuantize: Heterogeneous quantization layer.

  • HDense: Dense layer.

  • HConv*D: Convolutional layers. Only 1D and 2D convolutional layers are exposed, as 3D conv layer is not supported by hls4ml.

    • Param parallel_factor: how many kernel operations are performed in parallel. Defaults to 1. This parameter will be passed to hls4ml.

  • HActivation: Similar to the Activation layer, but with (heterogeneous) activations.

    • Supports any built-in keras activations, but may or may not be supported by hls4ml, or bit-accurate in general.

    • The tested activations are: linear, relu, sigmoid, tanh, softmax. softmax is never bit-accurate, and tanh and sigmoid are only bit-accurate when certain conditions are met.

  • HAdd: Element-wise addition.

  • HDenseBatchNorm: HDense with fused batch normalization. No resource overhead when converting to hls4ml.

  • HConv*DBatchNorm: HConv*D with fused batch normalization. No resource overhead when converting to hls4ml.

  • (New in 0.2) HActivation with arbitrary unary function. (See note below.)


HActivation will be converted to a general unaryLUT in to_proxy_model when

  • the required table size is smaller or equal to unary_lut_max_table_size.

  • the corresponding function is not relu.

Here, table size is determined by \(2^{bw_{in}}\), where \(bw_{in}\) is the bitwidth of the input.

If the condition is not met, already supported activations like tanh or sigmoid will be done in the traditional way. However, if a arbitrary unary function is used, the conversion will fail. Thus, when using arbitrary unary functions, make sure that the table size is small enough.


H*BatchNorm layers require both scaling and shifting parameters to be fused into the layer. Thus, when bias is set to False, shifting will not be available.

Passive layers (P- prefix):

  • PMaxPooling*D: Max pooling layers.

  • PAveragePooling*D: Average pooling layers.

  • PConcatenate: Concatenate layer.

  • PReshape: Reshape layer.

  • PFlatten: Flatten layer.

  • Signature: Does nothing, but marks the input to the next layer as already quantized to specified bitwidth.


Average pooling layers are now bit-accurate, with the requirement that all individual pool size is a power of 2. This include all padded pools, with are with smaller sizes, if any.


As of hls4ml v0.9.1, padding in pooling layers with io_stream is not supported. If you are using io_stream, please make sure that the padding is set to valid. For more details, merely setting padding='same' is fine, but no actual padding may be performed, or the generated firmware will fail at an assertion.

Commonly used functions

  • trace_minmax: Trace the min/max values of the model against a dataset, print computed BOPs per-layer, and return the accumulated BOPs of the model.

  • to_proxy_model: Convert a HGQ model to a hls4ml-compatible proxy model. The proxy model will contain all necessary information for HLS synthesis.

    • Param aggressive: If True, the proxy model will use WRAP for as overflow mode for all layers in seek of latency. If False, the overflow mode will be set to SAT.


  • ResetMinMax: Reset the min/max values of the model after each epoch. This is useful when the model is trained for multiple epochs.

  • FreeBOPs: Add the accumulated BOPs of the model computed during training after each epoch to the model as a metric bops. As min/max registered during training will usually have a larger range than actual, this BOPs will usually be an overestimate.

  • CalibratedBOPs: Add the accumulated BOPs of the model computed during training after each epoch to the model as a metric bops. The BOPs will be computed against a calibration dataset.

Proxy model

The proxy model is a bridge between the HGQ model and hls4ml. It contains all necessary information for HLS synthesis, and can be converted to a hls4ml model by calling convert_from_keras_model. The proxy model is also bit-accurate with the hls4ml with or without overflow.

Before converting a HGQ model to proxy model, you must call the trace_minmax first, or the conversion will likely to fail.


If there is overflow, the proxy model will have different outputs to the HGQ model. This can be used as a fast check before hls4ml inference test. If there is a discrepancy, consider increase the cover_factor when performing trace_minmax against a calibration dataset.


Though the proxy model is bit-accurate with hls4ml in general, exceptions exist:

  1. Some intermediate values cannot be represented by the floating point format used by tensorflow, which is usually float32 (23 bits mantissa) or TF32 (10 bits mantissa).

  2. For activations, bit-accuracy cannot be guaranteed. A great example of this is softmax. Also, unary nonlinear activations may or may not be bit-accurate with the current hls4ml implementation. Currently, if the bitwidth is very high and the input value’s range is greater than a certain value, bit-accuracy will be lost due to some hardcoded LUT size in hls4ml.


The proxy model can also be used to convert a QKeras model to a bit-accurate hls4ml-ready proxy model. See more details in the Regarding QKeras section.


Experimental: Nested layer structure is now supported by to_keras_model in v0.2.0. If you pass a model with nested layers, the function will flatten the model. However, be careful that some information in the inner models (e.g., parallelization_factor) may be lost during the conversion.